Download below FAST/SPS videos and articles 

Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS), also known as Field Assisted Sintering Technique (FAST), Pulsed Electric Current Sintering (PECS), or Plasma Pressure Compaction (P2C), is a rapid sintering technique that utilizes direct electrical current to rapidly heat and densify materials.

Speak to an Expert

Video - Comsol KEYNOTE TALK

Video - Comsol KEYNOTE TALK

Spark Plasma Sintering (FAST/SPS) Modelling and Digital

How Numerical Simulation can be Used to Improve the Densification of Materials by FAST/SPS

Hybridization of AM and FAST/SPS to Produce Near Net Shape High Performance Materials

Hybridization of AM and FAST/SPS to Produce Near Net Shape High Performance Materials

Processes and Case Studies

Spark Plasma Sintering Online Conference

Webinar Arnaud Fregeac Ph.D: Dr. Arnaud Fregeac, Head of the R&D Department at Norimat, and expert in the manufacturing of 3D-printed high-performance materials.

Video Printing UHTC parts by Binder Jetting, relying on digital technology to predict deformation

Video Printing UHTC parts by Binder Jetting, relying on digital technology to predict deformation

Digital technology to predict deformation

The missing piece of the puzzle:
Printing UHTC parts by Binder Jetting, relying on digital technology to predict deformation, densifying these pure parts to 100% using FAST/SPS technology, offers more competitiveness and a decisive competitive advantage.

Video - FAST/SPS & Additive Manufacturing: Counterform Technique

Video - FAST/SPS & Additive Manufacturing: Counterform Technique

Representation of the hybridization process of FAST/SPS with additive manufacturing.

All rights reserved to Norimat, any copy or use without the mention of Norimat is forbidden.

Le luxe et l'innovation par Spark Plasma Sintering (French content)

Le luxe et l'innovation par Spark Plasma Sintering (French content)


Norimat: Peut-on innover dans le secteur du luxe grâce à l’utilisation de la technologie Spark Plasma Sintering ?

Par Bastien Nodenot, notre responsable projets matériaux pour notre division luxe et expert en Spark Plasma Sintering technologie.

Video - Optimize Thermal Gradients and Part Microstructure in the FAST/SPS Process Through Multiphysics Simulation

Video - Optimize Thermal Gradients and Part Microstructure in the FAST/SPS Process Through Multiphysics Simulation

Spark Plasma Sintering Online Conference

Dr. Jennifer Mackie, Head of Modeling and Digital Product Development at Norimat, expert in thermo-mechanical modeling.

EuroPM2024 FAST/SPS , Norimat Paper

EuroPM2024 FAST/SPS , Norimat Paper

Euro PM2024 - Session 52: FAST|SPS Processes

Sinter Based Additive Manufacturing (SBAM) processes are receiving much attention as an alternative to LPBF processes for the rapid production of metal and ceramic components with reduced cost and environmental impact. On the other hand, the sintering step is sometimes difficult to perform for green parts from SBAM process resulting in high residual porosity. This paper proposes a versatile alternative with FAST/SPS hybridisation.

(French) Norimat ouvre une usine pour répandre la céramique ultra réfractaire dans l'industrie

(French) Norimat ouvre une usine pour répandre la céramique ultra réfractaire dans l'industrie

septembre 2024

Reportage. La start-up toulousaine Norimat va investir près de 10 millions d'euros dans une usine dans la Ville rose. Cette enveloppe doit permettre à la jeune pousse de s'attaquer au marché de l'industrie aéronautique et spatiale, ainsi que la filière nucléarire. Pour ce faire...

(French) A Toulouse, Norimat prêt à industrialiser sa technologie d'impression 3D

(French) A Toulouse, Norimat prêt à industrialiser sa technologie d'impression 3D

30 septembre 2024

La deeptech toulousaine Norimat, qui développe une technique d'impression 3D innovante, figure parmi les lauréats de la 6ème vague de l'appel à projets "première usine" du plan France 2030...

Video - FAST/SPS predicted size up parts

Video - FAST/SPS predicted size up parts

Mold Design for FAST/SPS

That is the main reason why we have developed Mold Design for FAST/SPS ..."
How do we ensure the quality of parts with the correct mold dimensions to obtain a homogeneous microstructure ?
"We believe that digital tools are the missing piece of the puzzle.

Video - FAST/SPS process - VIDEO

Video - FAST/SPS process - VIDEO

Video representation of the SPS process

All rights reserved to Norimat, any copy or use without the mention Norimat is forbidden.

FAST/SPS & Additive Manufacturing: Preform Techique

FAST/SPS & Additive Manufacturing: Preform Techique

Representation of the hybridization process of FAST/SPS with additive manufacturing.

All rights reserved to Norimat, any copy or use without the mention of Norimat is forbidden.



Fully Dense Near Net Shape TiAl BLADES <1H

How to Industrialize and Manufacture FAST/SPS Sintered Near Net Shape Parts with New Numerical Tools

All rights reserved to Norimat, any copy or use without the mention Norimat is forbidden.



From ancient art to the parts that allow cars to brake and space shuttles to fly...

All rights reserved to Norimat, any copy or use without the mention Norimat is forbidden

Homogeneous microstructure during the size up of FAST/SPS samples:

Homogeneous microstructure during the size up of FAST/SPS samples:

Use case with UHTC composite

All rights reserved to Norimat, any copy or use without the mention Norimat is forbidden

Why aim for a small thermal gradient?

Why aim for a small thermal gradient?

It is now well-known that Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) can produce high-performance samples with higher material properties compared to conventional processes...

All rights reserved to Norimat, any copy or use without the mention Norimat is forbidden